Our Team

Zara Gounden

CO-DIRECTOR | Twenty Miles More organization

Zara is in her third year undergraduate at New York University. She is a Global Liberal Studies Major with a concentration in Politics, Rights, and Development. Zara has studied at the NYU campuses in London, Florence and New York, and conducted research at NYU Abu Dhabi, Tel Aviv, and Berlin.

Nicolas Romero

DOCUMENTARY DIRECTOR | Twenty Miles More Organization

Nicolas is a filmmaker and has been the director of several successful projects such as directing and producing ‘Add 30 Seconds’ (2020), ‘Best Drama’ Nominee at the 2021 AAHS Film Festival.

Fraser Byers

CO-DIRECTOR | Twenty Miles More Organization

Fraser is a third-year undergraduate pursuing duel degrees with UC Berkeley and Sciences Po. Fraser is majoring in Politics and Government (Specializing in the Middle East and North Africa), and Environmental Economics and Policy.